Photogrammetric mapping and Orthophotography

Having years of photogrammetric experience gained through out involvement in a wide variety of projects, along with state-of-the-art digital deciphering equipment, allow Datamap Group to offer you vast, diversified, and uncompromising services in the field of photogrammetric mapping and orthophotography.

Our digital Softcopies and analytical environment, together with internally developed data integrity mechanism, enable us to meet project specifications and ultimately produce fast accurate and quality maps.

Photogrammetric mapping in large and small scale

Accuracy straightened orthophoto

Over the years, Datamap Group had gained rich experience in converting aerial photos into seamless geodetic orthophotos. By strictly abiding to survey regulations and by using ortho rectification processes and radiometric adjustment of imagery we transform our product into Accurate Base Maps.

Among Our Clients

Photogrammetric mapping and Orthophotography.

Having years of photogrammetric experience gained through out involvement in a wide variety of projects, along with state-of-the…

Engineering and Construction management.

Datamap offers a comprehensive packages of services and solutions to backend management of mega-projects. A professional and… 

Land survey

Datamap group specializes in providing a full range of surveying to cater to their customers’ need, and satisfy their requirements…

Members’ Property Registration (Kibbutz)

Many Kibbutzim are preparing to deal with the undergoing changes in the registration of its members’ rights. Datamap group has …

Plan Registration

Our qualified team will lead you through plan registration & regulation, guarantying you receive high quality services from…

Planning and Design Management (city building plans)

The department of planning and design management in Datamap Group provides a range of professional services developed…

Road and Transportation planning

Freiberg Engineering , one of the largest and most dynamic planning companies in Israel, will lead you from the initiation stage of …

Geographic Information System

Datamap Group offers software solutions in the field of mapping, measurements, and GIS. Datamap provides a full range of services…

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