Cross Israel Highway Company

Cross Israel Highway Company

Datamap Group took part in overseeing the Cross Israel Highway Company during the construction of the Trans-Israel Highway (Highway 6). As such, the company verified the markings done by the contractor and whether or not the execution was done in accordance with what was planned and gave real time warnings of any discrepancies.
In addition to field supervision services, Datamap Group provided a team of professionals to deal with quantity calculations. This process was carried out directly against the quantity control specialists at Datamap in accordance to changes in the field and implemented instructions that occasionally contradicted the planning. The construction of the Trans-Israel Highway was the largest project of its size that was never done before.
The quantity control specialists at Datamap calculated the quantities of groundwork, paving, drainage, and concrete work to be done. Upon completion, the company began the claims stage, in which DataMap took a leading role in quantity calculation, minimizing project costs by 7%.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9